There are many reasons to have decorative houseplants in your home, and not all of them are so obvious. But the benefits are plentiful. Perfect for what could be considered functional decorating, houseplants not only brighten a space and create a more relaxing atmosphere, they also purify the air by producing oxygen while absorbing toxins. Houseplants are also good for your health in other ways, as studies have linked their presence to reduced stress and tension which leads to a feeling of well-being, calmness and lower blood pressure.
So which are the best plants to have in your space? Which bring the best combination of being aesthetically pleasing but also purify the air and are easy to take care of? Here’s a look at some of the best indoor plants: Aloe Plant – Best known for its gel that contains a number of healing properties, it also helps clean the air of pollutants found in chemical cleaning products. English Ivy – Not only is it easy to grow and adaptable, NASA scientists listed it as the best air-filtering houseplant and most effective at absorbing formaldehyde. African Violet – Among the most popular and easiest flowering houseplant to grow which also blooms year-round with little effort. Peace Lilly – This elegant easy-care plant doesn’t require too much sun and has many varieties that bloom throughout the year. They also combat the three of most common VOCs — formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Snake Plant – Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant doesn’t need much light or water and absorbs carbon dioxide while producing oxygen at night. It’s one of the best at filtering formaldehyde, which is common in cleaning and personal care products, making it great for the bathroom. Bamboo Palm – This attractive plant thrives in shady places and often produces flowers with small berries. Among the best plants at filtering out both benzene and trichloroethylene. Philodendron – A hardy plant that can withstand low levels of sunlight and neglect if you don’t exactly have a green thumb. Spider Plant - This decorative and resilient plant with rich foliage and tiny white flowers is hard to kill. It also made NASA’s list of best air-purifying plants. Red-Edged Dracaena – A beautiful, vibrant plant brings a pop of color with its red edges and can grow to reach the ceiling, making it great for decorating and filling up large spaces. Golden Pathos –This fast-growing plant grows easily in cool places with low levels of light and will grow in cascading vines. Great for combating formaldehyde.
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June 2016