Although electricity is a necessity for just about every facet of our lives, you do not need to break the bank to pay for it. For a little bit of effort in a few key areas of your home, you can see a significant reduction in your electric bill.
Remove Phantom Loads Did you know that your appliances, electronics, and other items in electrical outlets continue to draw electricity even when they are not turned on? In fact, they use up to 75 percent of their overall power to keep clocks, timers, and other settings functioning. Simply unplug anything you do not need when it’s not in use and watch your energy bill drop. Amp up the savings even more by combining electronics in a power strip and turning everything off at once. Clean up your HVAC Much like a dirty oil or air filter can impact your gas mileage, a poorly-maintained air conditioning system can take a toll on your electricity bill. If you have central air, make sure that you have it serviced every year. It might seem like an unnecessary expense, but you will benefit from electricity savings and cleaner air in your home. If you have window units, clean your air filter every 30 days and replace one every year. Fill Your Fridge and Freezer This is another one that might seem counterintuitive, but your refrigerator and freezer actually run more efficiently when they are full. Food and other items act as insulation to keep the entire space cold, which means less time that the appliance has to run. Look at this as an opportunity to buy in bulk if you can and save a little money on your grocery bill, too. If that’s not an option for you, don’t go out and buy unneeded items just to save space. Instead, add bags of ice to the freezer or containers of water to the fridge to take up the extra room.
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